
  • memorial

    英:[məˈmɔ:riəl]   美: [məˈmɔriəl, -ˈmor-] 

    memorial 基本解释


    同义词: monument

    memorial 相关例句


    1. The service is a memorial to those killed in the war.

    memorial 网络解释

    1. 纽芬兰纪念大学:硕士纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial)-计算机工程应用硕士、环境系统工程管理硕士、石油和天然气工程硕士布鲁克大学(Brock)-会计学硕士、MBA英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)-食品科学硕士、矿业工程硕士达尔毫斯大学(Dalhousie)-网络工程硕士诺省艺术与设计学院(NSCAD)-设计学硕士约克大学(York)-法律硕士(L.L.M)(商法方向)蒙特圣文森大学(M

    2. memorial在线翻译

    2. 纪念大学:该学院与加拿大达豪斯大学(Dalhousie)、纽宾士域大学(UNB)、纪念大学(Memorial)等多所大学有转学分协定,学生成功完成大专文凭课程后可进入这些大学继续读本科,以获得学士学位.

    3. 纪念碑:不尽相同但却同样苦难的历史,同样对逝去者的怀念使得布莱恩.马圭尔(Brian Maguire)创作了<<纪念碑(Memorial)>>. 作品描画了巴西监狱大批受迫害者的尸体,他的艺术创作旨在揭露政治社会的不公. 尤其自1969年以来,

    1. 纪念碑
        A memorial is a structure built in order to remind people of a famous person or event.

        e.g. Building a memorial to Columbus has been his lifelong dream...
        e.g. Every village had its war memorial.

    2. (对逝者)纪念的;悼念的;追思的
        A memorial event, object, or prize is in honour of someone who has died, so that they will be remembered.

        e.g. A memorial service is being held for her at St Paul's Church.
        e.g. ...memorial plaques to local regiments...

    3. (追忆逝者的)纪念物,纪念品
        If you say that something will be a memorial to someone who has died, you mean that it will continue to exist and remind people of them.

        e.g. The museum will serve as a memorial to the millions who passed through Ellis Island...
        e.g. The city's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders.


    1. 纪念碑
        A memorial is a structure built in order to remind people of a famous person or event.

        e.g. Building a memorial to Columbus has been his lifelong dream...
        e.g. Every village had its war memorial.

    2. (对逝者)纪念的;悼念的;追思的
        A memorial event, object, or prize is in honour of someone who has died, so that they will be remembered.

        e.g. A memorial service is being held for her at St Paul's Church.
        e.g. ...memorial plaques to local regiments...

    3. (追忆逝者的)纪念物,纪念品
        If you say that something will be a memorial to someone who has died, you mean that it will continue to exist and remind people of them.

        e.g. The museum will serve as a memorial to the millions who passed through Ellis Island...
        e.g. The city's rather uncompromising bleakness is a permanent memorial to its dark and mysterious founders.

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