
  • via

    英:[ˈvaɪə]   美: [ˈvaɪə, ˈviə] 

    via 基本解释

    介词经过; 通过,凭借; 取道

    via 相关例句


    1. via是什么意思

    1. I sent a message to Mary via her friend.

    2. I sent a message to Mary via her brother.

    3. He flew to New York via Hong Kong.

    via 网络解释

    1. 经过:但是在伦敦 在同一月台上绝对不会只有同一条路线的车子经过 所以车子进站时 妳一定要注意车头显示器或是月台资讯版的讯息,确定这台车是不是你所要搭乘的路线, 就算是同一条路线 因为铁路网过於复杂 你也得注意终点站的方向是否正确 中间所经过(via)的站正不正确 才能

    2. 通过:公汽付费可以通过(via)以下方式:对于从前门或后门(front or rear door)上下车(board/exit),各地的规定很不相同. 公汽一般都有两到三个门以便于上下车(boarding and alighting).


    3. via:visa international association; 维萨信用卡国际协会

    4. via:virtual interface architecture; 虚拟接口结构

    5. via:vilxual interface architecture; 虚拟接口体系结构

    1. 经由;经过
        If you go somewhere via a particular place, you go through that place on the way to your destination.


        e.g. We drove via Lovech to the old Danube town of Ruse...
        e.g. Mr Baker will return home via Britain and France.

    2. 通过;凭借;靠
        If you do something via a particular means or person, you do it by making use of that means or person.

        e.g. The technology to allow relief workers to contact the outside world via satellite already exists...
        e.g. Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail systems...


    1. 经由;经过
        If you go somewhere via a particular place, you go through that place on the way to your destination.


        e.g. We drove via Lovech to the old Danube town of Ruse...
        e.g. Mr Baker will return home via Britain and France.

    2. 通过;凭借;靠
        If you do something via a particular means or person, you do it by making use of that means or person.

        e.g. The technology to allow relief workers to contact the outside world via satellite already exists...
        e.g. Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail systems...

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